Waseem Ahmed – Chowchilla City Council

Waseem Ahmed – Chowchilla City Council

Chowchilla is a wonderful community. By working together, we can make it even better. I want to continue our city’s momentum so all Chowchilla residents benefit from our progress.

As a businessman for over 20 years, I understand the important role government plays in assisting existing businesses and bringing more jobs to area families. As your Councilman, we’ve made Chowchilla a more vibrant and livable community by adding more police and fire protection to keep our residents safe. We’ve improved our infrastructure and environment by adding solar to City owned facilities, increased water availability and storage capacity, promoted transparency, balanced growth and business opportunities while safeguarding taxpayer dollars and balancing our budget.

I currently serve on the Madera County Transportation Commission, Economic Development Commission, Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), and San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Citizens Advisory Board. In Chowchilla, I served as Chamber of Commerce President, Chairman of the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commissioner and on the Work Force Investment Board. I’ve worked to bring together both the government and private sectors to improve our quality of life.

I love this community and want to ensure it remains an excellent place to live by embracing its unique identity while helping to define its promising future. I would be honored by your vote so we can continue moving Chowchilla forward together.


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